Tuesday, April 17, 2007


The landscapes of cultural interface: Media, aesthetics, information, human factors and usability-
A proposed series of workshops in mixed media

This is a series of workshops conducted by Prof. Phillip Baldwin. The specialists will arrive in two to carry on weekend or one week workshops that directly, creatively, and soundly confront the challenges of combined media and combined culture in commerce, culture, and the physical and online spaces. What begins with very general and ‘global’ views of commercial and cultural challenges and prospects of such media as ‘the internet 2.0, retail space, branding of a product, locality, and city through display and events, will then attack very specific challenges with the workshop participants on an academic, industrial, and service commercial level.

Skills in

-Human factors and usability
-High speed Internet 2.0
-Architecture, landscape architecture, public immersive environments.
-’Gamming structure’, game theory, as a global lingua franca.
-Mobile computing and brick and mortar.
-Management and ‘creativity enhancement’.
-Interior architecture as interface.
-Lifestyle enhancement, travel and tourism, public enhancement.
-Personal dramaturgy
-Infoscape and narrative branding structure.

Commercial applications

-Interactive public art.
-Retail design
-Event design
-Product design
-Graphic and web design
-Concert design, rock and roll, scenography.
-Film premieres and openings
-Physical computing
-the body as game interface.
-Museum design
-Exhibition and trade/industrial design
-Branding in the environment
-Exhibitions crossing cultures
-Event management
-Public and private efforts at urban enhancement
-Distance education
-Scenography for dance, film, opera, theater.
-Infoscape design.
-Mobile computing and wifi zones
-Experience economy formats

The tools

-A laptop and two-projector system.
-Internet and wifi hook up
-White board.
-Personal laptop and sketchpad.
-Assignments in creative process through ‘game theory structure’.
-Management models and implementations
-Usability and human factors testing to understand deliverables
-Cell phones, PDAs, and other mobile computing inlets

Contact,Briefs, and RFPs


Prof. Phillip Baldwin

Friday, April 13, 2007